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Top Bin Shootout

Having been a Junior Football coach for 19 years, I was often asked by my children and players if they could emulate something they had seen either at Football matches or on TV. Which often included training drills, fitness workouts and shooting drills. These I incorporated into my training sessions.


One Saturday morning watching Soccer AM, a team of supporters took part in a game called ' TOP BIN SHOOTOUT'! "Wouldn't it be good if we could do that Dad" said my son, which got me thinking...


So here it is!!


'Top Bin Shootout' in a shooting game where players, adults and anyone else shoot at targets to score points. The highest point scorer being the winner. The targets are within a caged area to avoid balls flying everywhere. 


The equipment can be either hired or operated by ourselves at your event. Whether indoor or outdoor.


'Top Bin Shootout' is extremely popular with junior and youth footballers and would be a fantastic addition to any football tournament or event. As well as providing additional income/fundraising.


Talk to us about the various options available.




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